
Web Site of Robert Sherwood, M. A.
"Robert Sherwood has provided me with excellent translation services from German language publications into English. I have been pleased by his promptness, attention to detail, and by the overall quality of the translation, which I think strikes a good balance between meaning, style, and rendition into good English. I can readily recommend his work to others in need of such translation services." — Dale Brandreth, publisher, Caissa Editions

German > English Translation Services

I am an experienced contract German > English translator, currently building a formal translation business. Having translated four full-length German-language chess books and several other projects, I am pursuing freelance translation work.

I've been reading German, Latin, and Greek for more than thirty years and can translate clearly and accurately from them. I employ a full range of reference materials (printed and Web-based) and use OmegaT for work involving MS Word documents. My writing style is unpretentious and clear, the result of decades of study and reading of the classical languages. I've worked as a contract writer and editor for numerous interests and take responsibility for editing my own work; my deliverables are always correct and in final form.

My background includes 5 years of experience as a senior technical writer in the fields of computer-aided electrical engineering and X Windows graphics programming. For 2 years I was Trade Book Manager at the Stanford Medical-Technical Bookstore, selling medical equipment and technical books: I feel comfortable in the fields of medicine, mathematics, physics, UNIX, C programming, and many areas of high technology. I develop and maintain HTML-based Web sites and regularly visit German-language sites. I can produce clear, accurate German > English translations in any number of areas.

A resume (PDF) is available here. Samples of my translation work can be found here.